Wanderlust is an international group exhibition inspired by travel, far-away places, adventurous experiences and fascinating destinations. Participating artists were given identical postcards and asked to create a unique piece for the show inspired by the theme “wanderlust”. Travel via boat, plane, foot, and yes, even jellyfish to your favorite destination in this eclectic and imaginative exhibition!
"My career as an artist has been all over the place- from running a glass and ceramic studio, to working in the animation and visual effects industry, to creating puppets and sets for stop motion film. Throughout all of it, I've been creating these curious and absurd creatures you see on this website. Lurking on the fringes of fairytale and folklore, these characters exist in their own cosmic events, referenced from mythology, religion, cartoons, comic books, and make believe." ~Steve Ferrera
Collections: Wanderlust 4
Type: Original Artwork