Modern Eden presents Heavy Metal Lover, a new group exhibition featuring the artists of the PRISMA Collective and curated by Kaspian Shore.
PRISMA is an international artist collective founded by Kaspian Shore in November 2011. Over the past 6 years, the collective has presented 4 major exhibitions at top contemporary galleries in the United States. This newest endeavor features new works exploring the theme of Heavy Metal Lover by 17 artists from the collective.
Featuring new works by:
Audrey Pongracz - Kelly McKernan - Kelsey J. Beckett - Caitlin Hackett - N.C. Winters - Ling Li - Kaspian Shore - Kelly Vivanco - Sarah Joncas - Alex Louisa - Bec Winnel - Henrietta Harris - Nom Kinnear King - Nicole Gustafsson - Christina Mrozik - Lilly Piri - Helice Wen
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